Connectors are SMA Male 50 Ohm Connector to SMA Male 50 Ohm Connector; RG316 Coaxial Cable in length of 1m 3.3 feet or about 39 inches. Compatible with: LNA Low Noise, RTL-SDR USB Dongle, ADS-B Receiver, Ham Radio and Amateur Radio Also as an Jumper Cable for Handheld RF Explorer SWR Meter VNA Vector Network Analyzer Antenna Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer, RF Signal Generator
* The connector is SMA male not the F type such as not for TV's and TV Antennas
* This cable is NOT suitable for WI-FI router applications, unless NOT RP SMA
* Gold-Plated Machined Brass Construction
* Gold-Plated Contacts - Teflon Insulator